Racha Kharboutli, Chef – Mortlake
Racha Joined us at Mortlake in 2021, having been a specialist childcare chef in other nurseries since 2013. She is responsible for implementing our nutritional guidelines with nourishing dishes that appeal to children. She is enthusiastic about her involvement in the life of the nursery at mealtimes and making each child feel like the Mortlake nursery is a home away from home.
Children start learning about food at a very early age. The messages they receive during this time lay the foundations for the choices they make about food as they move up to school and beyond.
We actively teach children about nutrition, to eat well and make healthy choices. This sets the foundation for their future health and well being.
We operate a no sugar and no salt policy. We follow all the government standards to ensure healthy, nutritious meals.
These guidelines are used to prepare, plan and cook the children healthy and balanced menus.
The nutrient and food based government standards aim to make the food offered healthier by:
There are four main groups which contain guidelines that we follow; the main groups are below but there are also other guidelines which intertwine these groups.
If you would like more advice on the menu and cooking methods please pop in and visit our chef who will be happy to provide taste samples and recipes.